• fix the conversion between cubble and stars object (#30)
  • small fix on group_by with temporal cubble, reported from CRAN
  • new make_cubble() for constructing a cubble object from separate spatial & temporal components (replace as_cubble(list(spatial = ..., temporal = ...)) syntax)
  • as_cubble() for stars and sftime objects (#5)
  • refactor the cubble class: nested cubble has class: spatial_cubble_df and cubble_df, the long cubble has class: temporal_cubble_df and cubble_df.
  • refactor the matching function
  • better integration with sf and tsibble
  • add pkg logo
  • fix mismatch of arguments in slice_*() with the latest dplyr generics
  • update on geom_glyph to take regular function
  • a new vignette on making a linked map and time series plot
  • add a converter between stars and cubble object #5
  • remove dependency (suggest) on rnoaa
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.