The set of functions returns a primary ggplot object that plots the data object in a space reduced by PCA. compute_pca() computes the PCA and explore_space_pca() plots the bases in the PCA-projected space

  details = FALSE,
  pca = TRUE,
  group = NULL,
  color = NULL,
  animate = FALSE

flip_sign(dt, group = NULL, ...)

compute_pca(dt, group = NULL, random = TRUE, flip = TRUE, ...)



a data object collected by the projection pursuit guided tour optimisation in tourr


logical; if components other than start, end and interpolation need to be shown


logical; if PCA coordinates need to be computed for the data


the variable to label different runs of the optimiser(s)


the variable to be coloured by


other arguments received from explore_space_pca()


logical; if the interpolation path needs to be animated


logical; if random bases from the basis space need to be added to the data


logical; if the sign flipping need to be performed



a ggplot object for diagnosing the optimisers in the PCA-projected basis space


a list containing

  • a matrix of all the bases

  • a logical value whether a flip of sign is performed

  • a dataframe of the original dataset


a list containing

  • the PCA summary

  • a dataframe with PC coordinates augmented

See also


dplyr::bind_rows(holes_1d_geo, holes_1d_better) %>%
  bind_theoretical(matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 5),
    index = tourr::holes(), raw_data = boa5
  ) %>%
  explore_space_pca(group = method, details = TRUE) +
#> signs in all the bases will be flipped in group search_geodesic 
#> Adding missing grouping variables: `method`

dplyr::bind_rows(holes_1d_geo, holes_1d_better) %>%
  flip_sign(group = method) %>%
  str(max = 1)
#> signs in all the bases will be flipped in group search_geodesic 
#> List of 3
#>  $ basis: num [1:495, 1:5] -0.341 -0.338 -0.344 -0.335 -0.347 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>  $ flip : logi TRUE
#>  $ dt   : tibble [495 × 8] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
dplyr::bind_rows(holes_1d_geo, holes_1d_better) %>% compute_pca(group = method)
#> signs in all the bases will be flipped in group search_geodesic 
#> $pca_summary
#> Standard deviations (1, .., p=5):
#> [1] 1.0433992 1.0155630 0.9888052 0.9850722 0.9653222
#> Rotation (n x k) = (5 x 5):
#>           PC1        PC2        PC3        PC4        PC5
#> V1  0.5494898 -0.2012644  0.5927758 0.12915854 -0.5380414
#> V2 -0.3674142  0.5045363  0.1443116 0.73291782 -0.2290317
#> V3 -0.4473056 -0.4083083  0.6605713 0.06397122  0.4390390
#> V4  0.1028552 -0.6665882 -0.4230460 0.60415355  0.0333405
#> V5  0.5936381  0.3063988  0.1116634 0.27758911  0.6813143
#> $aug
#> # A tibble: 2,995 × 14
#>    basis    index_val info   method alpha tries  loop    id row_num   PC1    PC2
#>    <list>       <dbl> <chr>  <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <int> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 <dbl[…]>     0.749 new_b… PD       0.5     1     1     1       1 -1.83 -0.617
#>  2 <dbl[…]>     0.749 direc… PD      NA       2     1     2       2 -1.84 -0.628
#>  3 <dbl[…]>     0.749 direc… PD      NA       2     1     3       3 -1.83 -0.606
#>  4 <dbl[…]>     0.749 direc… PD      NA       2     1     4       4 -1.83 -0.607
#>  5 <dbl[…]>     0.749 direc… PD      NA       2     1     5       5 -1.83 -0.627
#>  6 <dbl[…]>     0.749 direc… PD      NA       2     1     6       6 -1.83 -0.596
#>  7 <dbl[…]>     0.749 direc… PD      NA       2     1     7       7 -1.83 -0.637
#>  8 <dbl[…]>     0.749 direc… PD      NA       2     1     8       8 -1.82 -0.627
#>  9 <dbl[…]>     0.749 direc… PD      NA       2     1     9       9 -1.84 -0.607
#> 10 <dbl[…]>     0.749 best_… PD      NA       2     1    10      10 -1.83 -0.635
#> # … with 2,985 more rows, and 3 more variables: PC3 <dbl>, PC4 <dbl>, PC5 <dbl>