The function joins the parameter table to the `paras` element of an index table object.
init(gggi) |> add_paras(gggi_weights, by = "variable")
#> Index pipeline:
#> Summary: NULL
#> Data:
#> # A tibble: 146 × 22
#> country region index rank economic_participati…¹ educational_attainment
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Afghanistan South… 0.405 146 0.189 0.482
#> 2 Chad Sub-S… 0.57 145 0.538 0.637
#> 3 Algeria Middl… 0.573 144 0.317 0.951
#> 4 Iran (Islam… Middl… 0.575 143 0.344 0.96
#> 5 Pakistan South… 0.575 142 0.362 0.825
#> 6 Mali Sub-S… 0.605 141 0.489 0.779
#> 7 Congo, Demo… Sub-S… 0.612 140 0.676 0.683
#> 8 Oman Middl… 0.614 139 0.488 0.957
#> 9 Benin Sub-S… 0.616 138 0.53 0.802
#> 10 Guinea Sub-S… 0.617 137 0.576 0.71
#> # ℹ 136 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹economic_participation_and_opportunity
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: health_and_survival <dbl>, political_empowerment <dbl>,
#> # labour_force_participation <dbl>, wage_equality_for_similar_work <dbl>,
#> # estimated_earned_income <dbl>,
#> # legislators_senior_officials_and_managers <dbl>,
#> # professional_and_technical_workers <dbl>, literacy_rate <dbl>, …