Extract search points during the optimisation




a data object collected by the projection pursuit guided tour optimisation in the tourr package


a tibble object containing the search bases


holes_1d_better %>% get_search()
#> # A tibble: 37 × 8
#>    basis         index_val info          method        alpha tries  loop    id
#>    <list>            <dbl> <chr>         <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#>  1 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.730 random_search search_better  0.5      2     1     2
#>  2 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.743 random_search search_better  0.5      2     2     3
#>  3 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.736 random_search search_better  0.5      2     3     4
#>  4 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.747 random_search search_better  0.5      2     4     5
#>  5 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.725 random_search search_better  0.5      2     5     6
#>  6 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.769 random_search search_better  0.49     4     1    33
#>  7 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.754 random_search search_better  0.49     4     2    34
#>  8 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.725 random_search search_better  0.49     4     3    35
#>  9 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.766 random_search search_better  0.49     4     4    36
#> 10 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.736 random_search search_better  0.49     4     5    37
#> # … with 27 more rows
holes_1d_geo %>% get_search()
#> # A tibble: 363 × 8
#>    basis         index_val info                  method  alpha tries  loop    id
#>    <list>            <dbl> <chr>                 <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#>  1 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1     2
#>  2 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1     3
#>  3 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1     4
#>  4 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1     5
#>  5 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1     6
#>  6 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1     7
#>  7 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1     8
#>  8 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1     9
#>  9 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 best_direction_search search…    NA     2     1    10
#> 10 <dbl [5 × 1]>     0.749 direction_search      search…    NA     2     1    11
#> # … with 353 more rows