Given the orthonormality constraint, the projection bases live in a high dimensional hollow sphere. Generating random points on the sphere is useful to perceive the data object in the high dimensional space.

bind_random(dt, n = 500, seed = 1)



a data object collected by the projection pursuit guided tour optimisation in the tourr package


numeric; the number of random bases to generate in each dimension by geozoo


numeric; a seed for generating reproducible random bases from geozoo


a tibble object containing both the searched and random bases

See also


bind_random(holes_1d_better) %>% tail(5)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 8
#>   basis         index_val info               method      alpha tries  loop    id
#>   <list>            <dbl> <chr>              <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 <dbl [5 × 1]>        NA randomly_generated randomly_g…    NA    NA    NA     0
#> 2 <dbl [5 × 1]>        NA randomly_generated randomly_g…    NA    NA    NA     0
#> 3 <dbl [5 × 1]>        NA randomly_generated randomly_g…    NA    NA    NA     0
#> 4 <dbl [5 × 1]>        NA randomly_generated randomly_g…    NA    NA    NA     0
#> 5 <dbl [5 × 1]>        NA randomly_generated randomly_g…    NA    NA    NA     0